Tuesday, December 15, 2009

end of 2009

Finally, new year's comin'!!!! :)

Huahh beristirahat sejenak dari rutinitas setahun ini, tahun yang panjang, sekaligus tahun paling berkesan dalam hidup :) Thx God for everything, U gave me a perfect life, a perfect daughter, a perfect husband, a perfect job ( for this year, have no idea bout tomorrow,hehe) People may say that nobody's perfect, but i declare to myself that i have it, because without feeling a perfectness, we'll never say "thanks" to our Lord.
Welcome 2010, with new spirit, new passion, new expansion (maybe?), Merry X'mas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009



Soulburger, hmm... proses yang panjaang dan laaamaa sampai akhirnya dapat hasil akhir seperti ini, smoga cocok sama keinginan penulisnya:) waktu bikin bawaannya lapar terus, ngliatin gambar burger melulu berhari-hari, hehehe

Beberapa alternatif lain: (gak smua dipajang, kebanyakannn saking sering ditolak, hehe)


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